Tuesday, December 1, 2009

J is for Josephine Baker

Josephine Baker was an extremely multi-talented African American performer who first achieved extreme success in Paris in the 1920s as burlesque performer. Known for her signature number, the banana skirt dance, Josephine was at one time the highest paid entertainer in Europe. Josephine lead an extraordinary life; She was known for her many exotic pets including a Cheetah that she was known to walk down the streets of Paris. She also helped to assist the French Resistance during the Second World War by carrying top secret information hidden in her music notes. In the 50s and 60s Josephine returned to the States to fight for African American civil rights. She refused to play in any establishment that was not integrated. It was also at this time that she also began to adopt over 12 children from all over the world as part of her “rainbow tribe.” In 1975, Baker starred in her last revue, which opened to much acclaim. Four days later she was found in a coma in her bed surrounded by all of the shows succesful reviews; she died shortly thereafter.

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